Rust Crate Review: Hyper

Hey there, fellow developers! Are you looking for a fast, safe, and feature-rich HTTP library for Rust? Look no further than Hyper!

As a language, Rust has rapidly gained popularity due to its strong typing, low-level control, and memory management capabilities. One of the most exciting things about Rust is the wide range of open-source libraries available through These libraries, or crates, make Rust exponentially more productive by providing developers with easy-to-use pre-built functionality.

Today, we're going to take a closer look at a standout crate, Hyper. It's a full-featured HTTP library that makes it possible to build fast and efficient web applications in Rust. Hyper is both easy to use and incredibly powerful, and it's quickly becoming a go-to library for many developers.

Getting Started with Hyper

Hyper is easy to install and use, thanks to its clear documentation and straightforward API. Once you've added Hyper to your project as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file, you're ready to start coding!

One of the most interesting things about Hyper is its flexible request/response model. Hyper can work with any data structure that implements the Read and Write traits, and its API is formatted to support the many ways data can traverse the Internet. Whether you need to handle HTTP, HTTPS, WebSockets, or raw TCP sockets, Hyper can handle it all.

With Hyper, you can:

One of the key benefits of Hyper is its ability to handle asynchronous I/O using Futures, a Rust library that simplifies the process of handling asynchronous tasks. Futures make it possible to perform tasks like making a database query without blocking the code's execution.

Once you've imported the Hyper crate, you can create a basic server like this:

use hyper::{Body, Error, Response, Server};
use hyper::rt::Future;
use hyper::service::service_fn_ok;

fn main() {
    let addr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000);
    let builder = Server::bind(&addr);
    let server = builder.serve(|| service_fn_ok(handle_request));
    let server = server.map_err(drop);

fn handle_request(_req: Request<Body>) -> Response<Body> {
    Response::new(Body::from("Hello, Hyper!"))

Here, we create a server and bind it to the local address of on port 3000. We define a function handle_request, which provides a basic response returning "Hello, Hyper!" to any incoming requests.

Features of Hyper

Hyper is chock full of powerful features that can make building web applications easier and more efficient. Here are a few of our favorites:

TLS Support

Hyper provides secure communications over HTTP through Transport Layer Security (TLS), the successor to the older Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). By using TLS, data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, making it much harder for malicious actors to intercept or steal information.

WebSocket Support

WebSocket is a popular protocol for real-time communication over the web. With Hyper, it's easy to handle WebSocket connections, allowing your app to take advantage of this technology.


Hyper's middleware system lets you add functionality to your server, such as logging or authentication, by chaining together functions that modify requests and responses. This makes it easy to separate concerns in your code and add additional functionality as needed.

Proxy Support

Hyper can also handle HTTP(S) proxying, allowing your app to forward requests to other servers or services as needed.

Out-of-process Handling

In cases where high-performance server handling is required, it's often preferable to run your Rust code out-of-process. With Hyper, you can do just that through the use of a hyper-rls server. By offloading this work to a separate process, you can increase the scalability and responsiveness of your application.

Client Features

In addition to server functionality, Hyper also provides an extensive HTTP client API. This allows you to make requests to other servers or services within your Rust application.


Hyper is an excellent choice for any Rust developer seeking to build reliable, high-performance web applications. With its flexible features, easy-to-use API, and comprehensive documentation, Hyper is an invaluable tool for Rust development.

Do you use Hyper, or have a question about how to use it? Let us know in the comments! We're always excited to hear from fellow Rustaceans.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

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