Top 10 Rust Crates for Data Science

Are you a data scientist looking for a fast and reliable programming language to work with? Look no further than Rust! Rust is a systems programming language that offers the speed and performance of C++ with the safety and memory management of languages like Python and Java. And with its growing community of developers, Rust is quickly becoming a popular choice for data science projects.

To help you get started with Rust for data science, we've compiled a list of the top 10 Rust crates for data science. These crates offer a range of functionality, from data manipulation and visualization to machine learning and deep learning. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

1. ndarray

If you're familiar with NumPy in Python, then you'll love ndarray. This crate provides an N-dimensional array type that is optimized for performance and memory usage. It also includes a range of functions for manipulating and transforming arrays, such as slicing, broadcasting, and reshaping. With ndarray, you can easily perform complex operations on large datasets without worrying about memory allocation or performance issues.

2. csv

The csv crate is a simple and efficient way to read and write CSV files in Rust. It provides a flexible API for parsing and writing CSV data, including support for custom delimiters, headers, and quoting rules. Whether you're working with small or large datasets, the csv crate makes it easy to import and export data in a variety of formats.

3. serde

Serialization and deserialization are essential tasks in data science, and the serde crate makes them a breeze in Rust. This crate provides a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures to and from a variety of formats, including JSON, YAML, and TOML. With serde, you can easily convert data between different formats and integrate Rust with other programming languages.

4. rayon

Parallel processing is a key feature of modern data science, and the rayon crate makes it easy to parallelize Rust code. This crate provides a simple and intuitive API for parallelizing loops and iterators, allowing you to take advantage of multi-core processors and speed up your computations. Whether you're working with large datasets or complex algorithms, rayon can help you get results faster.

5. ndarray-stats

The ndarray-stats crate provides a range of statistical functions for working with ndarray arrays. It includes functions for calculating mean, variance, standard deviation, and other common statistical measures. With ndarray-stats, you can easily perform statistical analysis on your data and gain insights into its properties.

6. plotly

Data visualization is an essential part of data science, and the plotly crate makes it easy to create interactive plots and charts in Rust. This crate provides a range of functions for creating scatter plots, line charts, bar charts, and more. It also includes support for customizing plot styles and adding annotations and labels. With plotly, you can create beautiful and informative visualizations of your data.

7. ndarray-image

The ndarray-image crate provides a range of image processing functions for working with ndarray arrays. It includes functions for filtering, transforming, and analyzing images, as well as support for reading and writing image files in a variety of formats. Whether you're working with medical images, satellite imagery, or digital art, ndarray-image can help you manipulate and analyze your data.

8. ndarray-nn

The ndarray-nn crate provides a range of neural network functions for working with ndarray arrays. It includes functions for building and training neural networks, as well as support for common activation functions and loss functions. With ndarray-nn, you can easily implement deep learning algorithms in Rust and apply them to a range of data science problems.

9. ndarray-rand

The ndarray-rand crate provides a range of random number generation functions for working with ndarray arrays. It includes functions for generating random numbers from a variety of distributions, as well as support for seeding and reproducibility. Whether you're working with simulations, modeling, or optimization, ndarray-rand can help you generate random data for your experiments.

10. ndarray-linalg

The ndarray-linalg crate provides a range of linear algebra functions for working with ndarray arrays. It includes functions for solving linear systems, computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and performing matrix decompositions. With ndarray-linalg, you can easily perform complex linear algebra operations on your data and gain insights into its structure.


Rust is a powerful and versatile language that offers a range of benefits for data science projects. With its growing ecosystem of crates and libraries, Rust is quickly becoming a popular choice for data scientists who value speed, safety, and performance. Whether you're working with large datasets, complex algorithms, or deep learning models, Rust has the tools you need to get the job done. So why not give it a try?

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